MASTERGROOM CANADA SEMINAR SCHEDULE 2025 – We’re still working on it! Please check back with us.

(See below for seminars from past Mastergroom events.”

Friday Seminars


Anders Rosell & Melanie Newman

SECOND PUPPY/PUPPY LION CLIP Originally named the Second Puppy, this trim was launched in the 1970’s in the U.K and Scandinavian countries as a transitional clip before the dog was cut out in Continental or English saddle. It has become a very popular show trim these days within the FCI countries as well as the U.K and Australia. It is also often seen at grooming competitions. Anders and Mel will give you the background and demo this three dimensional clip – how to make the most of it!


The Spiral Trim

Isabella Doblas Jones

The Spiral trim is gaining more and more popularity worldwide, and we are so lucky to have Isabella, the Master of this trim, to show us ‘THE WAY’. This fantastic style can be trimmed on any curly coated dog, including poodles, doodles, bichons and more!


Sue Zecco

The Art of Building a Successful Business

We all want to be successful in our careers, and sometimes being a great groomer just isn’t enough. Join Sue for this vital seminar on the complex art of building a lucrative and positive environment.

Covering everything from self confidence, respecting your staff, furthering your education and client care. This is a class not to be missed!


Jay Scruggs

Super Styling the Mixed Breed with Snap On Combs

Have you always wanted to increase your speed? With the amazing snap on combs available to us, you can achieve your title as a ‘Speed Groomer’ in no time flat!

Jay will demonstrate how to balance the head in with the rest of the body and how to set the length with snap on combs to cut out a lot of thinning and scissoring. This will help save you A TON of time in your salons every day. Join Jay to start your journey to effective time management and learn how he became one of the most successful and highest paid groomers in the USA.

Saturday Seminars


Isabella Doblas Jones

Self Promotion- Does Social Media work?

In this essential seminar, learn how social media has changed everything in advertising yourself and your business. Join Isabella, one of the most influential groomers online (and offline) to master her ideas and techniques of self promotion.


Anders Rosell

Poodle Styles from the Poodle Master

MODERN CLIP/TERRIER/SCANDINAVIAN A clip that has many names and often confused by groomers. It was originally launched as the Toilette 1960. A very smart and sporty looking clip which became very popular in the Scandinavian show rings in the 70’s. The trim also had a terrier version with clipped ears and tail. Today this trim is defined by the FCI breed standard as the “Toilette Modern” (when the dog has full length ears and a tail pom-pon) and Terrier/Scandinavian Clip. It is basically the same clip with 3 different names, not to be mistaken with the German clip which is a pet clip. Anders will give you the background to this clip with helpful hints how to make the most of it in your salons.


Colin Taylor

What Would Colin Do?

Colin Taylor’s years of experience in pet grooming have given him unique insights from the perspective of a stylist, teacher, and in customer service. It is essential for anyone in the industry, a ‘must see’ seminar for every stage of a groomer’s career. Colin’s sparkling wit is entertaining without losing the wisdom of the lessons he’s learned along the way. “What Would Colin Do?” is perfect for anyone seeking to improve customer relationships, improve their grooming and handling skills, and look at life with optimism and humour.


Victor Rosado & Isabella Doblas Jones

Diversify Your Style- The Asian Appeal

In this fun and super friendly atmosphere, learn how fast you can find your inner creative stylist!

Isabella is the top Asian Stylist in the world, and with a few tweaks to your everyday grooming, you can make any pet appear more animated. Your clients will LOVE IT!! In this live demo, Victor will be assisting Isabella by asking all the right questions at all the right times. They are a dynamic duo you will not want to miss!

Sunday Seminars


Victor Rosado and Anne Francis

Carding & Stripping Solutions

Join Victor & Anne to learn easy tips and tricks to use some of the best carding and stripping solutions available to us. Artero and Andis tools will be showcased, as they are some of the BEST tools we can invest in for ergonomics and time management. These two magnificent groomers will go head to head with a sporting dog and a terrier, and explain what works best for each coat type.


Kitty Dekeersgieter

What is more important? The haircut or the client?

Have you ever said you groom dogs because you don’t enjoy working with people? I know I have heard many tell me this word-for-word, BUT is this the way to think? Who is paying for the haircut? It certainly isn’t the dog. This will be a discussion where Kitty will explain, how over the years, her way of thinking and working has changed dramatically.


Melanie Newman

DOUBLE DOWN- How to properly deal with your double coated breeds

Is it always a difficult decision when faced with a double coated dog in your salon? Whether dealing with terriers, sporting dogs or double coated breeds, it can get confusing on the ‘correct’ tools and techniques to use.

In this dynamic power point demonstration, Mel will take you through most of our popular breeds that we see in the salon and guide you through the ‘why’ and ‘how’ to properly maintain breed integrity while saving time.

Discover the difference on all the diverse breeds and learn the practical skills and stages of coat growth.


Victor Rosado, Colin Taylor, Melanie Newman & Jay Scruggs

The Mastergroom Game Show!

Join us for a hilarious and educational game show, pitting the industries top professionals against each other in different challenges and contests.

Get ready to get your giggles on, and learn at the same time. This is a DO NOT MISS event!